The OTCs Podcast Series

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Rachael Mann

14 May 2024

37m 28s

Building Partnerships for a Bright Future: Ohio Central School System and Ohio Technical Centers Join Forces



In this episode, we are joined by guest Jennifer Sanders, who is the School Superintendent at the Ohio Central School System through the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. The partnership between the Ohio Central School System and the Ohio Technical Centers is driving positive change in the lives of incarcerated individuals. Through a commitment to providing quality education and 21st-century career technical training, these organizations are equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to reenter society as productive citizens. With a focus on building capacity and expanding opportunities, the partnership aims to fill the workforce needs of Ohio by training and certifying individuals in high-demand fields. The success stories are inspiring, with students gaining certifications and passing exams with flying colors. The ripple effect of these partnerships reaches far beyond the prison walls, impacting local communities and businesses. By preparing individuals for reentry, the partnership is breaking down barriers and combatting the stigma associated with incarceration. With plans for future expansion and deeper collaboration, they are laying the foundation for a brighter future for all.

Tune into this episode to learn more about this growing partnership.

Bio: Jennifer Sanders has dedicated her life to corrections education. As a 31-year corrections education professional, she started as a teacher and advanced to education leadership roles as a Teacher Supervisor, Principal, and Academic Director. She moved to the role of internal auditor and served as a deputy warden at two prisons for four years. Jennifer then served as the school superintendent at the Ohio Department of Youth Services before returning to DRC in 2019 as the school superintendent. Jennifer earned a BS in education from Bowling Green State University and her MS in education leadership, plus postgraduate work at the University of Dayton.